Admin Tools

MAC address search

Most recent info! Last updated: 753 day(s) ago, 16.02.2023

Search vendor by MAC address.

Show MAC address list by vendor name.

Search by MAC or vendor name:

Supported search types:

  • by vendor: "cisco", "zte", "d-link"
  • by full MAC address: "01:00:5e:7d:14:20" or "01-00-5e-7d-14-20" or "0100.5e7d.1420"
  • by partial MAC address (first six chars of MAC address): "01:00:5e" or "01-00-5e" or "01-00-5e" or even "01005e"

'00005E' is in reserved IANA Unicast 48-bit MAC address list

MAC address range
(last six numbers of MAC address)
Used for Reference
00-00-00 to 00-00-FF Reserved [RFC7042]
00-01-00 to 00-01-FF VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) [RFC5798]
00-02-00 to 00-02-FF VRRP IPv6 (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol IPv6) [RFC5798]
00-03-00 to 00-51-FF Unassigned
00-52-00 PacketPWEthA [RFC6658]
00-52-01 PacketPWEthB [RFC6658]
00-52-02 to 00-52-12 Unassigned (small allocations)
00-52-13 Proxy Mobile IPv6 [RFC6543]
00-52-14 to 00-52-FF Unassigned (small allocations)
00-53-00 to 00-53-FF Documentation [RFC7042]
00-54-00 to 90-00-FF Unassigned
90-01-00 TRILL OAM [RFC7455]
90-01-01 to 90-01-FF Unassigned (small allocations requiring both unicast and multicast)
90-02-00 to FF-FF-FF Unassigned

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